
I involve myself deeply with those who come to see me. I know they are in pain and I know the ambivalence they have about dealing with it. It is my job to guide them through deep places while they explore and express the feelings that burden them.
I work to help people become masters of their strongest emotions, to express them appropriately, and to sustain sensible relationships. A lot of emotion is bound up in muscle and organ tension, and I have had special training to help people release emotion from chronically tense muscular patterns. This often gives them a new sense of being alive with a deeper capacity to relate to others. The work is intensive and lasts as long as it has to. I do not submit to the cultural pressure for short-term interventions. These do not correct core life patterns.
My thirty years of experience includes expertise in: individual and group psychotherapy, body psychotherapy, psychotherapy training and supervision, neo-Reichian bodywork training and supervision, and consultation with various business and religious leaders.
My professional circumstances include a thirty-year association with an experienced group of co-therapists who meet frequently to evaluate their work, to teach, and to learn.
- Hope College | Bachelor of Arts – Psychology & English
- Wayne State University | Master of Social Work
- New Brunswick Seminary
- Rutgers University
- Radix Institute | Certified Radix Practitioner
- Academy of Certified Social Workers
- Michigan Licensed Social Worker
- Certified Kelly/Radix Trainer
- Master Clinician in Individual and Group Psychotherapy
- Certified Group Psychotherapist
Professional Organizations
- Clinical Member | American Group Psychotherapy Association
- Clinical Member | Michigan Group Psychotherapy Society
- National Association of Social Workers
- United States Association of Body Psychotherapists
- The Radix Institute and the Kelley/Radix Seniors Group